VIDEO: Prices are being increased while Finance Minister tells fairy tales - UNP

VIDEO: Prices are being increased while Finance Minister tells fairy tales - UNP

November 29, 2013   05:15 pm

The prices of goods are increasing while the Finance Minister is telling fairy tales to the public, UNP MP Eran Wickremaratne stated in relation to the 2014 budget proposals.

He said that the government has not only tapped into the people’s current income but also into their income in the future.

Speaking at a press conference held today (November 29) in Colombo, he cited the recent news that two suspects in the murder of a police officer were killed by the police while allegedly attempting to flee custody while claiming that only the courts should punish the guilty. He also reminded the public that suspects were not guilty until they were proven so fairly by a court of law.

He also challenged the Justice Minister to show detailed evidence that legal delays have been curtailed, adding that there is no justice if justice is delayed.

MP Wickremaratne also stated that the government was breaking the laws of the country and that it was not respectful towards the law.

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