Dairy farmers protest as companies refuse to purchase their milk
May 2, 2012 04:43 pm
The dairy farmers of Hatton took to the streets today (May 2) in protest, throwing away gallons of their own milk stocks claiming that private milk companies had stopped purchasing their stocks for the last three weeks.
Farmers stated that a host of private milk companies to whom they sold their stocks usually had refused to purchase anymore milk from the farmers over the last three weeks claiming that the companies had purchased sufficient stocks.
The farmers had been forced to throw their excess stocks into the river following which they resorted to requesting the government milk company to purchase their stocks which they claimed was met with the same answer.
Around 1000 families in the area depend on the income they generate through the sale of their milk stocks while farmers claimed that they had been left desperate due to the current situation.
The dairy farmers took to the streets of the Hatton town in protest today where they spilled gallons of milk onto the streets while some farmers bathed themselves in milk to demonstrate their situation.