OPPP ready to withdraw letter expelling Rathana Thero, court told

OPPP ready to withdraw letter expelling Rathana Thero, court told

February 2, 2022   09:11 pm

‘Ape Jana Bala Pakshaya’ (Our Power of People Party or OPPP) informed the Supreme Court today that it is ready to withdraw the letter issued to remove Ven. Athuraliye Rathana Thero as the Member of Parliament representing the party, subject to the condition that a new investigation would be conducted into the matter.

This was conveyed when the petition filed by Ven. Rathana Thero seeking a court order nullifying the party’s decision to oust expel him and remove him its parliamentarian was taken up before the Supreme Court bench comprising Chief Justice Jayantha Jayasuriya, and Justices A.H.M.D. Nawaz and Arjuna Obeysekara today.

President’s Counsel Farman Cassim, who represented the OPPP told the judge bench that his client is prepared to withdraw the letter in question, however, subject to the aforementioned condition.

To this, President’s Counsel Sanjeewa Jayawardena, who represented the petitioner, raised objections and stressed that the letter should be withdrawn completely without subjecting to any conditions.

The Chief Justice then pointed out that the expulsion letter cannot be withdrawn subject to such conditions, and that it should be withdrawn completely, if the respondent wishes to.

Accordingly, the ‘Ape Jana Bala Pakshaya’ was ordered to brief the judge bench of its decision on the matter on February 28.

In his petition, Ven. Rathana Thero stated that he is not a member of the ‘Ape Jana Bala Pakshaya’ and that therefore neither the central committee nor the disciplinary committee of the party has the authority to remove him from his position as an MP while accusing him of breaching discipline. 

Ven. Rathana Thero also says that the party has no authority to take disciplinary actions against him and that the measures taken by the respondents to remove him from the party and from his MP seat is in violation of the agreement reached between the Thero and the ‘Ape Jana Bala Pakshaya’.

He, therefore, requested the Supreme Court to issue an order revoking the decisions taken by the ‘Ape Jana Bala Pakshaya’ to remove him from party membership and his parliamentary seat. He also requested the court to issue an order declaring that the Thero has not lost his MP seat.

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