Laugfs to supply domestic LP gas within next 6 days

Laugfs to supply domestic LP gas within next 6 days

May 26, 2022   11:59 am

Laugfs Gas PLC, one of the main liquefied petroleum gas suppliers in Sri Lanka, says the company will be able to supply domestic LP gas cylinders to the market within the next six days.

Laugfs Chairman W.K.H. Wegapitiya said the company was able to open letters of credit for the purchase of LP gas.

Meanwhile, Litro Gas Lanka said domestic LP gas cylinders are not distributed in the country today (May 26) as well.

Consumers were therefore requested not to wait in gas queues throughout the day. Accordingly, today is the third consecutive day that domestic gas cylinders (12.5kg, 5kg and 2.3kg) are not distributed island-wide.  

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