No choice but to register consumers at filling stations and give weekly fuel quota – Minister

No choice but to register consumers at filling stations and give weekly fuel quota – Minister

June 12, 2022   12:41 pm

Minister of Power and Energy Kanchana Wijesekera says that they have no choice but to register consumers at filling stations and give them a guaranteed weekly quota until the government is able to strengthen the financial situation, restore 24-hour power supply and a steady supply of fuel.

The minister stated that he hopes to have this system in place by the first week of July. 

Until we have uninterrupted power supply and steady fuel supply, fuel line management will be impossible, Wijesekera said in a twitter message on Sunday. 

He stated that with the financial restrictions, the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) imports fuel to manage for a week, however some consumers collect fuel for a month or more for their machinery and generators.

He said 24-hour power supply costs an additional USD 100 million monthly for diesel, furnace oil and naphtha and that the shortage in LP gas supply has increased the demand for electricity and kerosene. 

The minister said that the country’s monthly fuel bill which was at USD 200 million four months ago is currently at USD 550 million. 

“We have no choice but to register consumers at filling stations and give them a guaranteed weekly quota until we are able to strengthen the financial situation, restore 24 Hour Power and a steady supply of fuel. I hope to have this system in place by the 1st week of July,” he tweeted. 

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