IGP Wickramaratne’s tenure extended in a special gazette

IGP Wickramaratne’s tenure extended in a special gazette

April 7, 2023   09:19 am

A special gazette notification has been published, extending the tenure of Inspector-General of Police (IGP) C.D. Wickramaratne for a period of three months with effect from March 26.

The communiqué was issued by President’s Secretary Saman Ekanayake on Thursday (April 06).

The service period of the police chief was extended by President Ranil Wickremesinghe, in terms of Article 41 (C)(1) and 61(E)(b) of the Constitution.

On April 01, the Constitutional Council, chaired by the Speaker of Parliament, gave the nod to the President’s recommendation to re-appoint Wickramaratne as the IGP for three more months.

Meanwhile, Senior Deputy Inspector-General of Police (SDIG) in charge of Western Province, Deshabandu Tennakoon was tipped to be appointed the next police chief, following the retirement of Wickramaratne on March 26.

Last month, sources revealed that the Head of State had made a recommendation to the Constitutional Council to appoint Tennakoon as the 36th IGP of Sri Lanka Police.

However, the nomination was later withdrawn as it attracted widespread criticism. The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) stressed that the new IGP should have an exemplary, blemish-free service and the capability to restore public confidence in the Sri Lanka Police.

The tenure of the current police chief was extended for three more months as the appointment of a new IGP is put on hold.

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