SLTB bus driver abducted in Gampola

SLTB bus driver abducted in Gampola

September 24, 2023   12:29 pm

A 46-year-old bus driver has been abducted in the Gampola area this morning (24), the police said.

Police mentioned that a group of individuals, who arrived in a van, had intercepted and blocked the path of a bus belonging to the Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB), which was travelling from Mawela to Kandy.

Four individuals had boarded the bus and had attacked a person travelling in the bus with a sharp weapon and abducted him after forcing him inside the van they had arrived in.

The person in question has been identified as 46-year-old Hemantha Rajapaksa, a bus driver attached to the Gampola SLTB Bus Depot, and a resident of the Wattegama area, according to police.

Police stated that the individual was on his way to his work when the incident had taken place.

The motive behind the abduction has not been revealed yet, while Gampola Police has initiated investigations regarding the incident.

Gampola Police has deployed four police teams to locate the van used in the abduction.

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