Matron of children’s detention centre arrested over teen’s death

Matron of children’s detention centre arrested over teen’s death

December 3, 2023   11:53 am

The matron of a children’s detention centre in Kalmunai has been arrested over the death of a 14-year-old detainee, the police said.

The teenage boy had been detained at the centre following his arrest over an incident of theft, according to police.

On Thursday morning (30), the warden of the juvenile detention centre in question had informed Kalmunai Police Station that a child, who was detained in the centre, was lying on the floor unconscious.

During the inspections, police have found that the teen in question was in fact dead and reported the facts to Kalmunai Magistrate’s Court. Later, a post-mortem examination was carried out at the Ampara Hospital on Saturday (02), the police said. 

However, it has been revealed in the post-mortem examination that the death of the child was caused by assault, whereas further police investigations have uncovered that the matron of the detention centre had recently beaten the child, the police said.

Later, police had arrested the matron, after she surrendered to the Kalmunai Police Station today.

The 14-year-old deceased, who was a resident of the Kokuvil area, had been detained at the juvenile detention centre in question since November 17, 2023 as per a court order following his arrest for a theft, according to police.

Kalmunai Police is conducting further investigations regarding the incident.

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