Anura Kumara meets Chief Minister of Gujarat

Anura Kumara meets Chief Minister of Gujarat

February 7, 2024   11:51 pm

Leader of the Jantha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) Anura Kumara Dissanayake on Wednesday (07 Feb.) met the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Bhupendra Patel, in Gandhinagar, India.

The parties met at the Vidana Sabha (State Legislative Assembly), and discussed various matters of concern, including the state’s development strategies for poverty alleviation and the state administration process.

Subsequent to his meeting with Patel, Dissanayake met with Indian Cabinet Minister of Industries, Civil Aviation, Rural Development, Labour and Employment in Gujarat, Balvantsinh Rajput, during which a presentation on the ‘Gujarat Model’, used as development model by the Indian government, was also made.

Energy reforms, agriculture and water, infrastructure improvement, industry and investment, healthcare and women’s empowerment are the key areas of this Gujarat development model”, the JVP leader revealed in a statement on ‘X’ (formerly Twitter).

The leftist political party delegation later joined an observation tour of agricultural areas and agro-industries in Ahmedabad.

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