Economic Transformation Bill and Public Financial Mgmt. Bill to be tabled in parliament

Economic Transformation Bill and Public Financial Mgmt. Bill to be tabled in parliament

May 17, 2024   05:51 pm

The Economic Transformation Bill and the Public Financial Management Bill will be presented to the Parliament on Wednesday (22 May), according to the Secretary General of Parliament Kushani Rohanadeera.

Issuing a statement, she said that the Parliament is scheduled to convene on Wednesday (May 22).

This has been decided by the Committee on Parliamentary Business chaired by Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena, during its meeting held on May 14.

Accordingly, the parliamentary session is scheduled to commence at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday (May 22) while the Economic Transformation Bill and the Public Financial Management Bill are slated to be presented to the Parliament on that day for the first reading. 

The General Secretary further said that the Committee on Parliamentary Business decided to hold the debate on the adjournment motion to be presented by the opposition from 9.45 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. 

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