LPL terminates ‘Dambulla Thunders’ franchise with immediate effect

LPL terminates ‘Dambulla Thunders’ franchise with immediate effect

May 22, 2024   07:31 pm

The Lanka Premier League (LPL) today announced the termination and the retraction of rights of the “Dambulla Thunders” franchise, effective immediately.

The above decision follows recent developments concerning the legal issues faced by Tamim Rahman, CEO of Imperial Sports Group, the owner of the “Dambulla Thunders” franchise.

“While the specifics of the charges against Mr. Rahman remain unclear, the integrity and smooth running of the Lanka Premier League are of utmost importance,” the LPL said.

The statement further reads: “This termination/retraction of rights aims to uphold the values and reputation of the LPL, ensuring that all participants adhere to the highest standards of conduct and sportsmanship.”

“The LPL management is working diligently to address the consequences of this termination/ retraction of rights and to ensure minimal disruption to the upcoming season.”

“The LPL remains strongly committed to delivering an exciting and competitive tournament and will take all necessary steps to maintain the league’s integrity and success.”

“We are committed to the highest standards of transparency and professionalism and will continue to support all our teams, players, and fans during this transition.” LPL rights holder IPG group chairman Anil Mohan said.

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