‘Red’ alert for fishing and naval communities out at sea

‘Red’ alert for fishing and naval communities out at sea

May 22, 2024   11:42 pm

The Department of Meteorology has issued an advisory for strong winds and rough seas for naval and fishermen communities in the deep-sea areas in the South-eastern Arabian Sea and in the southwestern Bay of Bengal Sea.

The ‘red’ alert states that a low-level atmospheric disturbance in the south west Bay of Bengal area has intensified in to a low-pressure area. 

It is very likely to move northeastward and concentrate into a depression over the central parts of the Bay of Bengal by May 24, 2024. Then it would continue to move northeastward and intensify further, the advisory said. 

Very strong winds of 60-70 kmph, accompanied with heavy rainfalls and very rough seas are likely over the sea areas around the country and over the South-eastern Arabian Sea areas and southwestern Bay of Bengal Sea areas. 

Naval and fishing communities are advised not to venture into the sea areas marked by ‘RED’ color on the map below until further notice. 

Those who are out at aforementioned sea regions are advised to return to coasts or moved safer areas immediately. 

Naval and fishing communities are also requested to be attentive to future forecasts issued by the Department of Meteorology in this regard.




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