TID detains suspect linked to ISIS terrorists arrested at Ahmedabad Airport

TID detains suspect linked to ISIS terrorists arrested at Ahmedabad Airport

May 23, 2024   09:28 pm

A suspect who had close connections with the ISIS terrorists of Sri Lankan origin who were recently arrested at the Ahamedabad International Airport in India, has been arrested by the Terrorism Investigation Division (TID) of Sri Lanka Police.

According to Sri Lanka Police, the suspect has aided the four terrorists in obtaining air tickets.

Further, investigations are underway to detect whether more ISIS terrorists from Sri Lanka have left for India, the police said.

On Sunday (19), the anti-terrorist squad of Gujarat, India arrested four Sri Lankan nationals who are members of the terrorist organisation ISIS at the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport in Ahamedabad.

The arrested suspects were Mohammad Nusrat (33), Mohammad Farish (35), Mohammad Nafran (27) and Mohammad Rashdeen (43), as per Indian officials.

According to the Gujarat Police, interrogations revealed that the suspects were encouraged to carry out a terror attack in India.

Following this development, Inspector General of Police Deshabandu Tennakoon said the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), the TID, and the intelligence authorities have launched a joint investigation into the four ISIS members of Sri Lanka.

As a part of their investigations, the TID requested information on the four suspects who are currently held under the custody of Gujarat Police. Further, investigations were also launched to detect those who were close associates of these suspects.

As a result, a suspect who had close connections with the four terrorists was arrested by the TID officers in Maligawatte on Tuesday (22).

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