Five injured as bus crashes into Makumbura Multimodal Center

Five injured as bus crashes into Makumbura Multimodal Center

June 12, 2024   12:13 pm

Five people have been injured in a shocking accident at the Makumbura Multimodal Center (MMC) in Kottawa this morning (12).

CCTV footage of the incident shows a private bus, traveling from Padukka to Pettah, suddenly crashing through glass windows at the bus station and also colliding with another bus.

The five passengers, who sustained injuries during the accident have been hospitalised, the police said.

Investigations have revealed that the driver of the bus had lost control of the vehicle after its brakes apparently malfunctioned, according to police.

The bus driver has been arrested, police said, adding that the incident has caused significant damage to the building at the Makumbura Multimodal Center in Kottawa.

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