Youth murdered during musical show in Kalutara

Youth murdered during musical show in Kalutara

June 16, 2024   04:38 pm

A 20-year-old youth has been murdered after his throat was slit following an argument between two parties at a musical show in Kalutara.

The deceased, Menura Nimthara Wanigasekara, has been identified as a resident of the Dodangoda area, Ada Derana reporter said.

The suspect, who committed the crime, reportedly attacked the 20-year-old after seeing him dancing with his estranged wife during the musical show.

The woman who works at a garment factory had come to watch the musical show and was dancing with the young man, a coworker, when the suspect, in a fit of rage, had slit the victim’s throat with a sharp weapon.

Police are conducting further investigations regarding the incident.

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