Sri Lankan ambassador for Parliament of World’s Religions
January 4, 2015 03:32 pm
Rt. Revd. Kumara Illangasinghe has been selected as an ambassador for the Parliament of World’s Religions, Chicago. The Parliament of the World’s Religions seeks to promote inter-religious harmony among different religious and spiritual communities to achieve a just, peaceful and sustainable world.
Reports state that 63 ambassadors have been selected from across the globe. Ten have been selected from the Asian continent (India – five, Pakistan - two, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Russia - one each), USA, Canada, Mexico (42), Europe (six), Africa (two), Australia and New Zealand (three).
They have been selected as ambassadors by Mary Nelson, Executive Director, Parliament of World’s Religions, Chicago. The term of the Ambassadors is two years from December 1, 2014.
The Most Rev. Kumara Illangasinghe, (B.Sc., B.D., M.Litt) is a former Anglican Bishop who was also the principal of the Theological College of Lanka between 1992 and 1999.
In 2000 he was consecrated as the fourth Bishop of Kurunegala, following the retirement of Bishop Andrew Kumarage.
The next Parliament would take place at the Salt Palace Convention Centre in Salt Lake City, Utah, US, for five days from October 15, 2015.
Ambassadors would engage in supporting Parliament initiatives, take part in inter-faith events, organise pre-parliament events in communities or regions, and encourage registrations for the next Parliament.