Parliament has no right to formulate a new Constitution: Nalaka Thero

Parliament has no right to formulate a new Constitution: Nalaka Thero

January 5, 2016   04:48 pm

The current Parliament has no right to form a ‘Constitutional Council’ to formulate a new Constitution, President of the National Movement to Protect Soldiers Ven. Bengamuwe Nalaka Thero says.    

The observation was made at a press conference held in Colombo this afternoon (05).

“Some politicos, who had been rejected by the people at the election, are still in Parliament. Thus, the present Parliament does not represent the voice of the people”, said Nalaka Thero.

The Thero pointed out these ‘rejected’ politicians have no right to be a part of the Constitutional Council. “This is against the democracy,” Nalaka Thero said.

Nalaka Thero also slammed the government for not doing ‘enough’ to ensure the National Security. “After this government came to power, it did nothing, but trivialized and undermined the National Security,” the Thero said.

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