No one opposes Kothalwala Defense University - Saman
February 6, 2017 04:59 pm
No one intends to raise concerns about the Kothalwala Defense University, Government Nursing Officers Associations President Saman Rathnapriya said on Monday.
Rathnapriya also questioned as to why the up and running Sir Johns Kothalwala Defense University has not faced resistance unlike the South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM).
He further said that Rs.14000 million that would be spent by domestic students seeking higher education opportunities in foreign countries would be sufficient to build a new university itself.
Rathnapriya claimed that the Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) is allowed to set a certain standard regarding the curriculum offered by SAITM, they do not have the power to out rule the credibility offered by the university.
He stated that his organization fully supports the ruling received by court, and will help protect and uphold the successful functioning of SAITM.