Rohitha Rajapaksa grilled at FCID

Rohitha Rajapaksa grilled at FCID

August 15, 2017   10:44 am

Rohitha Rajapaksa, the youngest son of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, arrived at the Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID) a short while ago. 

He was reportedly summoned to record a statement regarding the satellite, “The SupremeSAT-1” which was launched in 2012.

Meanwhile, Rohitha’s mother Shiranthi Rajapaksa was summoned for questioning by the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) this morning, in connection with the murder of the rugby player Wasim Thajudeen.

Police Media Spokesperson SP Ruwan Gunasekara reported that former President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s son Yoshitha Rajapaksa had also been informed to appear before the CID tomorrow (16).

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