Circular issued on recruitment of state employees excess to approved cadre
July 31, 2018 05:36 pm
A circular has been issued barring recruitment of employees excess to the approved cadre of State Institutions and paying them, stated the Ministry of Finance.
The government has issued a circular preventing recruitment of staff and payment of salaries to state and semi-government organizations without prior approval from the Treasury’s Management Services Department.
According to the Circular dated. 03, 2018 and dated 2018.07.18 responsibility of the staff recruited contrary to the above instructions should be borne by the linear Ministry Secretary, Departments Head, Provincial Secretary general, Head of the Finance Division of the relevant institution.
Recently, the Cabinet decided to hold Chairpersons, Executive Officers and Accountants responsible over keeping employees out of the approved cadre of government statutory institutions and paying them salaries.
The circular further states that, all state institutions including provincial councils should inform the Management Services Department of such employees and their payroll details.
Accordingly, if recruitments and salaries are made without prior approval of the National Salaries and Cadre Commission and prior approval of the General Treasury, the Chief Secretaries, Secretaries, Heads of Departments and Financial Institutions of relevant Government and Semi Governmental Institutions.