Results: 3

AUDIO: 7.5 magnitude earthquake rumbles Nepal, no impact on Sri Lanka

AUDIO: 7.5 magnitude earthquake rumbles Nepal, no impact on Sri Lanka

The Disaster Management Center (DMC) says that the 7.6 magnitude earthquake which hit Nepal this morning, causing massive tremors lasting well over a minute across northern India, had no impact to Sri Lanka.

April 25, 2015  12:54 pm|

Landslide at 5-acre land area in Haldamulla

Landslide at 5-acre land area in Haldamulla

The Disaster Managment Center (DMC) today said that a landslide has been reported in a 5-acre land area in Nikapotha, Haldamulla.

April 20, 2015  10:10 am|

Earth tremors in Polonnaruwa

Earth tremors in Polonnaruwa

Minor earth tremors were reported in several parts in the Polonnaruwa district at around 8.20 pm today (11), the Disaster Management Centre said. MORE...

March 11, 2015  09:49 pm|
