‘Stranger Things’ animated series coming to Netflix

‘Stranger Things’ animated series coming to Netflix

April 11, 2023   05:03 pm

An animated series set in the sci-fi world of “Stranger Things” is in development at Netflix, part of the streaming service’s efforts to expand the hit series into a wide-ranging franchise.

Netflix announced the series in a statement released on Monday but gave no title or release date and few details.

“We’ve always dreamed of an animated ‘Stranger Things’ in the vein of the Saturday morning cartoons that we grew up loving,” the Duffer brothers, creators of the original “Stranger Things” series, said in the statement.

“Stranger Things” debuted on Netflix in 2016 and became the company’s most-watched English language series. The show tells the story of a group of teenagers battling unusual happenings in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana.

Netflix had previously announced that a “Stranger Things” spinoff show was in the works and a play that will debut at London’s West End in November.

Source - Reuters

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