Japan provides more for resettled communities in Trincomalee
March 4, 2011 11:10 pm
The Government of Japan has extended US$551,547 (approximately Rs.61.2 million) for a livelihood project to be implemented by Peace Winds Japan (PWJ), a Japanese NGO, under its Japan-NGO Cooperation Grant scheme.
The project aims at improving livelihoods of the resettled communities in Gomarankadawela, Muttur and Eachchilampattai Divisional Secretariat divisions in the Trincomalee district, and helps to rehabilitate six irrigation systems, provide trainings to agricultural and dairy farmers and improve a public milk factory. This project is expected to benefit 1,047 families directly in the district.
PWJ has been implementing a number of emergency and livelihood projects in the North and East through Japan Platform (JPF). A total of seven Japanese NGOs, namely, PWJ, Association for Aid and Relief, Japan, Japan Agency for Development and Emergency (JADE), JEN, PARC Inter-Peoples Cooperation (PARCIC), Save the Children Japan, and World Vision Japan have been providing support to the people affected by conflict and floods in Sri Lanka assisted by the Government of Japan. These assistances from Japan show the strong relationship between our two countries not only at the governmental level but also at the grass-roots level, states the Japanese Embassy in Colombo.
The Grant Contract was signed between Mr. Kaoru Shimazaki, Chargé d’Affaires a.i., and Ms. Yukari Nishino, Head of Sri Lanka Office of PWJ at the Embassy of Japan in Colombo.
Photo caption: Mr. Kaoru Shimazaki, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. (left) and Ms. Yukari Nishino, Head of Sri Lanka Office of PWJ after signing the Grant Contract.