Microsoft pushes new Windows to developers
November 2, 2012 11:23 am
Days after launching Windows 8, Microsoft Corp is mounting a
strong campaign to win over the software developers it needs to kick-start its
new operating system.
A lack of apps is Microsoft’s Achilles heel as it attempts
to catch Apple Inc and Google Inc in the rush toward mobile computing.
Windows 8, the new Surface tablet and a range of
Windows-based phones - all unveiled in the past week - are designed to close
that gap, but the world’s largest software company still needs to convince
developers to recreate the thriving ‘ecosystem’ that made PCs so successful.
“Please go out and write lots of applications,” Microsoft
Chief Executive Steve Ballmer pleaded with 2,000 developers on Tuesday, kicking
off an annual, four-day meeting at its campus near Seattle.
The event, called ‘Build,’ is the equivalent of Apple’s
Worldwide Developer Conference and Google’s I/O event.
Microsoft gave each paying attendee one of its Surface
tablets and 100 gigabytes of free space on its SkyDrive online storage service.
On top of that, handset partner Nokia threw in a free Lumia 920 smartphone
running Windows Phone 8.
The unprecedentedly generous give-away signals the intent of
what Microsoft openly calls “evangelism.” Most developers at the meeting, who
paid up to $2,000 to attend, are already converted to the Windows religion. But
this year there is a feeling that Microsoft can re-establish itself as a
relevant platform for developers.
“The sessions are overflowing. Everybody wants to learn,”
said Greg Lutz, product manager at development tools company ComponentOne, who
is attending the conference.
“The Surface is really exciting. It’s been interesting to
see people that would normally be critics of Microsoft surprised to see how
good it is,” said Lutz, whose company makes features that developers can use in
apps, such as calendars or charts.
Microsoft recognizes it needs apps to flesh out its new online
Windows Store and make Windows 8 machines more attractive to users, said Russ
Whitman, chief strategy officer at Ratio Interactive, a design agency that
helps companies create apps.
“The catalog (of apps) is where they are weak, there’s no
doubt,” he said. “But if Microsoft stays focused on quality not quantity, they
can win.”
When Windows 8 launched on Friday, some major content
providers had prominent apps in the Windows store, such as Netflix Inc, the New
York Times and Rovio’s Angry Birds Space. But big names such as Facebook and
Twitter were missing.
Twitter moved to rectify that on Tuesday, announcing that a
native Windows app would be rolled out “in the months ahead.” Dropbox, a
fast-growing cloud storage service, also announced it would soon have a Windows
app, as did online payment firm PayPal and sports network ESPN.
But Facebook, which now has more than 1 billion users, has
not yet made public any plans for a Windows app, despite the fact Microsoft is
a minor shareholder.
And Microsoft still has to overcome indifference from many
developers who do not see demand from users or simply do not have the resources
to build Windows apps alongside iOS and Android.
“Windows 8 is getting good reviews and the tile user
interface is a great fit with our geo-visual content,” said Jason Karas, CEO at
website Trover, where users can share photos of interesting discoveries. “It’s
on the roadmap for Trover, but we are still a very lean team, so we’re hesitant
to support a third platform until we have all the innovations we want to see in
iPhone and Android in place.”
Microsoft has yet to persuade other influential online
services, for example car-rental firm Zipcar or real estate information firm
Zillow, to develop for Windows 8.
To get more developers on board, Microsoft is spending this
week demonstrating how it is making it easier to develop apps for Windows and
get them into the real world.
A key part of that is a new set of tools tying in its Azure
cloud service, which allows Windows apps to easily harness data stored in
remote servers.
“Some of the new changes are pretty incredible and are going
to make developing, especially some of the mobile apps, much easier,” said Mike
Cousins, a software developer following the conference by webcast from Calgary,
“It just makes it super-easy to integrate mobile clients
into your application,” said Cousins, who is developing Shuttr, a site for
photographers to display and sell their work. “It’s been reduced from probably
a week’s work to minutes.”
Microsoft’s best argument to developers is the sheer size of
the Windows user base.
Microsoft sold 4 million upgrades to Windows 8 in its first
four days, a mere fraction of the 670 million or so machines running Windows 7.
Ballmer said there would be 400 million new devices running Windows next year,
including PCs, tablets and phones, and the company would be marketing heavily
to consumers.
That is an attractive audience for developers, and Whitman
at Ratio Interactive said he saw many new faces at Microsoft’s event this week
who previously were more interested in web-based apps and other platforms.
“There’s a new generation of developers that can build on
Windows 8 that have been building using JavaScript and HTML,” he said. “Seeing
some of those developers show up and talk about building apps using other
languages is pretty cool. It’s a whole different group than Microsoft has
traditionally been able to court.”
One Wall Street analyst said developers may even be tempted
to switch back to Microsoft after working with Apple’s iOS platform.
“There does seem to be some excitement about the new
operating system and many of the new devices that are coming to market,” said
Jason Maynard, an analyst at Wells Fargo Securities. “We have heard some
developers talk about ‘re-Microsofting’ and moving from their Macs for app
Cousins said that once developers see the user base for
Windows 8 grow, the momentum will start to have an effect.
“All the new PCs people buy will be Windows 8, and people
will start demanding Windows 8 apps from companies, and then they will start
making them,” he said. “I think we’ll see a wave of apps coming out pretty
soon.” (Reuters)