US welcomes Indo-Sri Lanka nuclear pact

US welcomes Indo-Sri Lanka nuclear pact

February 18, 2015   08:17 am

The United States has welcomed the signing of civil nuclear cooperation agreement between India and Sri Lanka, saying it is consistent with IAEA safeguards and other international standards and practices.


“We welcome regional cooperation on nuclear energy that is consistent with IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) safeguards and other international standards and practices,” State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki said on Tuesday.


Asked about the recent agreement signed between India and Sri Lanka on civil nuclear co-operation, she said, “We are aware of the announcement.”


Psaki refrained from making any further comment on the deal.


On Monday, India and Sri Lanka signed a civil nuclear cooperation agreement, the first such deal signed by Sri Lanka with any foreign country, reflecting the new Lankan government’s pro-India approach.


The pact was signed after talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and new Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena who chose India for his maiden foreign visit after assuming charge following a bitter presidential poll.


According to the nuclear deal, India will assist Sri Lanka in developing its civil nuclear energy infrastructure, including sharing of resources, training of personnel and extending expertise.


It will also facilitate cooperation in radioactive waste management and nuclear and radiological disaster mitigation and environmental protection.


63-year-old Sirisena, who had dethroned Rajapaksa from his 10-year rule after a bitter presidential poll, has already indicated that he wants to have a closer relationship with India, the Hindu reports. 

TAGS :  US ,  India ,  Nuclear ,
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