Government hails resolution of Iran nuclear issue

Government hails resolution of Iran nuclear issue

July 22, 2015   02:06 pm

The government has welcomed the resolution of the Iran nuclear issue, the foreign ministry said in a statement on Wednesday (22). 

The foreign ministry has said that Sri Lanka welcomes the successful conclusion of negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 group, Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany, in Vienna last week. 

“Sri Lanka has always supported efforts by the international community to resolve the Iran nuclear issue amicably, respecting Iran’s right to peaceful uses of nuclear energy and ensuring the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program,” the statement added. 

Sri Lanka said it welcomes the success of the countries concerned in resolving the issue peacefully, manifesting the efficacy of the multilateral approach for the promotion of international peace and security. 

Under the deal, sanctions imposed by the United States, the European Union and the United Nations will be lifted in return for Iran to accept long- term cuts to its nuclear program. 

The UN Security Council on Monday unanimously adopted the resolution as the first important step toward implementing the historic agreement reached in Vienna.

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