IGP requests permission to attend his son’s wedding

IGP requests permission to attend his son’s wedding

December 17, 2019   12:47 pm

Inspector General of Police (IGP) Pujith Jayasundara, who was ordered to be further remanded earlier today, requested the Colombo High Court to grant permission for him to attend the wedding ceremony of his son that is scheduled to be held next month.

The bail application filed by the IGP was taken up before Colombo High Court Judge Aditya Patabandige this morning.

President’s Counsel Anura Meddegoda, who represented the IGP, told the court that the wedding ceremony of his client’s son is scheduled to take place at 6.30 a.m. on the 2nd of January 2020 at the Gangarama Temple in Colombo, which is followed by a reception in Negombo scheduled for the evening.

Hence, he requested the court to deliver an order to the Commissioner General of Prisons to allow the IGP to attend the ceremony.

However, Deputy Solicitor General Dileepa Peiris, who spoke on behalf of the Attorney General, said the court does not have the jurisdiction to issue such orders.

High Court Judge Patabandige, who was in agreement with the argument of the Deputy Solicitor General, stated that he would direct the request to the Prisons Commissioner General for consideration.

The bail application was then scheduled to be taken up again on the 9th of January and the respondents were ordered to raise objections on that day if there are any.

In the meantime, the bail application filed by former Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando, who was also remanded over the same reason, was called before Colombo High Court Judge Manjula Thilakaratne.

The Attorney General was ordered to present objections, if any, regarding the case on the 9th of January.

IGP Jayasundara and former Defence Secretary Fernando were charged for allegedly committing a criminal offence by failing to prevent the Easter Sunday terror attacks even after receiving forewarning on the bombings.

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