Nine new COVID-19 cases confirmed; Total count hits 844
May 9, 2020 04:37 pm
Nine more persons have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus as of 4.00 pm on Saturday (09), says the Ministry of Health.
With the detection of these new cases, Sri Lanka’s COVID-19 cases count has soared to 844.
In the meantime, coronavirus recoveries in the country moved up to 255 earlier today as 15 patients regained health.
The Epidemiology Unit says that 580 active cases are currently under medical care at selected hospitals across the country.
The country’s death toll from COVID-19 stands at 09.
Sri Lanka saw the highest daily surge in confirmed COVID-19 cases on April 27, with 65 new infections. The tally went up from 523 to 588 just within 24 hours.