No truth in reports on temporary closure of Temple Trees
November 22, 2020 07:39 pm
The Prime Minister’s Office has announced that no official working at the Prime Minister’s Office or the Temple Trees has contracted COVID-19.
Secretary to the Prime Minister Rohan Weliwita says that there is no truth in the media reports that the Temple Trees has been temporarily closed due to a COVID-19 situation.
The Prime Minister’s Office and the Temple Trees will continue to carry out their daily duties in accordance with the health safety guidelines issued by the Government and the Health Department.
The statement reads that only the required number of officials has been called for duty at Prime Minister’s Office and the Temple Trees.
The Task Force, headed by Basil Rajapaksa, is also operating from the Temple Trees without any hindrance, the Prime Minister’s Office affirmed.
The Secretary to the Prime Minister further stated that the security personnel at the Prime Minister’s Office and Temple Trees are on duty as per usual.