Mrs. World 2020 crown goes to Ireland after Caroline Jurie resigns

Mrs. World 2020 crown goes to Ireland after Caroline Jurie resigns

April 21, 2021   09:14 am

Mrs. World Inc. has accepted the voluntary resignation of Mrs. World 2020 Caroline Jurie who recently became embroiled in a controversy at a recent beauty pageant held in Colombo.

In a statement, Mrs. World Inc. said it has received Jurie’s resignation relinquishing her title as Mrs. World 2020.

“Her voluntary resignation decision was made solely by Caroline herself. We wish Mrs. Jurie and her family, all the best in their future endeavors,” the statement read further.

Accordingly, the first runner-up Mrs. Ireland World, Kate Schneider will now become the new Mrs. World 2020.

In a video statement published on April 09, Jurie revealed that she would relinquish her title.

Mrs. Sri Lanka 2021 National Pageant held at the Nelum Pokuna Theatre on April 04 came to a chaotic conclusion as the contestant initially crowned as Mrs. Sri Lanka 2021 was de-crowned by the reigning Mrs. World claiming that the winning contestant was not eligible to hold the title.

Pushpika de Silva was crowned as the new Mrs. Sri Lanka at the pageant only for the crown to be snatched from her and passed on to the first runner-up over allegations of divorce.

She later lodged a complaint with the Police that she had to be hospitalized for head injuries from her crown being ripped off.

On April 05, it was announced that Pushpika de Silva would retain her title as Mrs. Sri Lanka for the year 2021.

The following day, Pushpika de Silva addressed the claims concerning her marital status during a press briefing held in Colombo and stressed that she is not a divorcee.

Subsequently, Jurie and model Chula Padmendra were arrested by the Cinnamon Gardens Police over the melee at the beauty pageant, but they were later released on bail.

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