Now refugees trying to escape Tamil Nadu, flee to Sri Lanka
March 26, 2010 07:31 am
PHOTO: Dilapidated houses at the Sri Lankan Tamil refugee camp at Vriddhachalam in Cuddalore District.
Indian police have arrested 23 Sri Lankan Tamil refugees
from different parts of Tamil Nadu for allegedly trying to flee to
According to police sources, Sahaya Dhasan of Thoothur
village in Kanyakumari district and some fishermen in a mechanised boat spotted
the stranded Sri Lankan Tamil refugees mid sea as the boat carrying the
refugees developed a technical snag.
The fishermen alerted the police and the refugees were
brought to the shore along with the boat and later detained at Nithravilai
police station.
The Superintendent of Police Rajendaran, marine police
personnel and the Q branch police from the district were conducting an
Names of the arrested
The names of the arrested persons were Arunagiri Nathan (32)
of Bhavani Sagar, Jeya Nathan (30) of Tindivanam, Uma Chandran (23) of
Sivakasi, Joesph Pradeep (29) of Bhavani Sagar, Yoga Dhas (25) of Sivakasi,
Anistron (23) of Bhavani Sagar, Dhilosan (27) of Bhavani Sagar, Ramesh (25) of
Tiruchi, Raja (29) of Madurai, Jeyachandran (29) of Madurai, Inba Rooban (24)
of Tindivanam, Gracy (22) of Dharmapuri, Murugaiha (40) of Chennai, Ravi (40)
of Thiruvarur, Jeganathan (33) of Karur, Sharmilin (25) of Sivaganga, Louis
Lawrence (32) of Chennai, Kanakaraj (22) of Tirunelveli, Immanuvel Jeya Kumar
(35) of Chennai, Sangeswaran (21) of Bhavani Sagar, Pradeeban (23) of Chennai,
Nickson (28) of Chennai and Packiyaraj (27) of Vedan Colony camp at Chennai.
The officials came to know that a sum of Rs.5,000 was
collected from these Sri Lankan Tamil refugees to drop them at
The police had registered a case and were further investigating.
The Hindu