Education Ministry, Intel felicitate ISEF award recipient
August 15, 2010 04:58 pm
At a ceremony held recently at the Auditorium of the Ministry of Education, young Ganindu Nanyakkara was felicitated by the Minister of Education Bandula Gunawardena, and Vice President, Sales and Marketing Group, General Manager, Intel World Ahead Program Intel Corporation, John Davis for his outstanding achievements at this year’s 61st Intel International Science & Exhibition Fair which was held in San Jose, California. The felicitation ceremony was attended by leading officials from both the Ministry of Education and Intel likewise.
Ganindu Nanyakkara who was part of the five member team that represented Sri Lanka at the Intel ISEF performed exceptionally well to pick up four awards under the theme – “Computer Controlling Wireless Device For Handicapped People.”
Firstly Ganindu was successful in taking top honours when he won the Intel ISEF Grand Award for Computer Science. This was followed by yet another top notch performance when he came in first and was presented with an award from the China Association for Science & Technology. Symantec Corporation then gave away a runners-up award to Ganindu. In addition Nanayakkara was presented with a special award of repute from the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance/ The Lemelson Foundation.
Ganindu is a student of Ananda College, Colombo 10 who represented the Junior Inventor of the Year (JIY) competition of IESL at the Sri Lanka Science & Engineering Fair (SLSEF). The SLSEF is a partnership of the Ministry of Education, National Science Foundation, Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) and Intel since 2007.
About Intel ISEF: The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, a program of Society for Science & the Public, is the world´s largest pre-college science fair competition. Each year, more than 6 million young scientists from around the world vie to attend and 1,500 are selected as finalists to share ideas, showcase cutting edge ideas and compete for over USD 4 million in awards and scholarships. In 2010, more than 1,600 of the world’s most promising young scientists and mathematicians gathered in San Jose, California, to compete in the world’s largest pre-college science competition.
About Intel: Intel, the world leader in silicon innovation, develops technologies, products and initiatives to continually advance how people work and live. Additional information about Intel is available at and