Pastor Jerome cannot be given special consideration before the law, AG tells court

Pastor Jerome cannot be given special consideration before the law, AG tells court

October 16, 2023   05:59 pm

The Attorney General today (16) stated before the Court of Appeal that it is not possible to provide special consideration before the law to Pastor Jerome Fernando, who has been accused of allegedly insulting other religions through a controversial statement made by him. 

Appearing on behalf of the Attorney General, Senior State Counsel Shaminda Wickrama informed this to the court, when a writ petition filed by Pastor Jerome requesting to issue an order preventing his arrest by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), was taken up before the court.

The relevant petition was taken up before the Appeals Court judge bench consisting of the President of the Court of Appeal Nissanka Bandula Karunaratne and Justice Chamath Morais today.

Appearing for the religious leaders including Ven. Elle Gunawansa Thero who have been named as respondents of the petition, President’s Counsel Sanjeewa Jayawardena stated before the court that his clients do not oppose the request made by Pastor Jerome, only if the promises to directly appear before the CID soon as he arrives in the island without being arrested at the airport.

He, however, further mentioned that his clients expect that the law should be fully enforced against Pastor Jerome. However, Senior State Counsel Shaminda Wickrama who appeared for the AG strongly objected to that request.

Furthermore, the Senior State Counsel, who expressed that the law should be applied equally to all, also highlighted that it is not possible to provide special consideration before the law to Pastor Jerome Fernando.

On 26 May, Fernando had filed an FR petition before the court, through his attorneys, seeking an order preventing his arrest.

The Inspector-General of Police (IGP), the DIG in charge of the CID, the CID director and the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the cybercrimes unit of the CID had been named as the respondents of the FR petition.

In his petition, the Pastor deemed the CID’s attempts to arrest him unlawful, claiming that the police have not presented any piece of evidence to the court to prove that his comments threaten the religious harmony in the country.

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