Edu. Ministry issues notice over functioning of schools tomorrow amid strikes

Edu. Ministry issues notice over functioning of schools tomorrow amid strikes

June 26, 2024   09:34 pm

The Ministry of Education states that all schools across the island will function as normal tomorrow (June 27).

This was communicated in a statement issued by the Ministry of Education this afternoon (26).

However, the General Secretary of the Ceylon Teachers’ Union (CTU) Joseph Stalin stated this afternoon that the teacher-principal trade unions will continue their strike action tomorrow as well, protesting against the firing of tear gas and water cannons to disperse their protest march in Colombo today.

The teacher-principal trade unions engaged in an island-wide trade union action by reporting sick leave today (26) based on several demands. At the same time, the members of the trade union launched a protest in Colombo which commenced from near the Colombo Fort Railway Station.

Meanwhile, the non-academic staff of the government schools are also engaged in a strike action, demanding a national policy for the non-academic service in the education sector.

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