Chris Silverwood resigns as Sri Lanka head coach

Chris Silverwood resigns as Sri Lanka head coach

June 27, 2024   10:35 am

The Head Coach of the Sri Lanka National Cricket Team Chris Silverwood, has tendered his resignation from the position, citing personal reasons, Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) announced today.

“Being an international coach means long periods away from loved ones. After lengthy conversations with my family and with a heavy heart, I feel it is now time for me to return home and spend some quality time together,” Silverwood stated.

He also expressed his gratitude towards the players, coaches, backroom staff, and management of Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) for their support during his tenure. “Without your support, none of the success would have been possible,” he added. 

“It has been a real honour for me to be part of Sri Lanka Cricket and I will be taking away many fond memories,” Silverwood added.

Under Silverwood’s leadership, the national team achieved significant success, including winning the T20 Asia Cup in 2022 and reaching the finals of the 50-over Asia Cup in 2023. 

The team also secured several bilateral series victories both at home and abroad, notably a home series win against Australia in the 50-over format and two away Test series wins over Bangladesh.

In its statement, Sri Lanka Cricket extended its best wishes to Chris Silverwood for his future endeavors and thanked him for his valuable contributions during his tenure.

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