Supreme Court decides to expedite case over nominating SC judges

Supreme Court decides to expedite case over nominating SC judges

June 27, 2024   04:24 pm

The Supreme Court has decided to expedite and take up on 25 July the case on which it previously issued an interim stay order on the President and the Constitutional Council preventing them from nominating judges to the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka.

On April 30, the Supreme Court had issued an interim stay order on the President and the Constitutional Council, preventing them from nominating judges to the Supreme Court, except for the position of Chief Justice. 

The Supreme Court had issued this interim order while allowing the hearing of a petition submitted by a lawyer against the decision taken by the Constituent Council to reject the nomination submitted by the President for the appointment of the incumbent President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Nissanka Bandula Karunaratne as a Supreme Court Judge.

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