NCPC approves 20th amendment for PC polls on same day
August 22, 2017 12:51 pm
The North Central Provincial Council today approved the proposed 20th amendment to the constitution to hold elections for all provincial councils within the same day.
A total of 15 councilors voted in favour of the proposal while 13 voted against it, Ada Derana reporter said.
The 20th Amendment to the Constitution to hold elections for all Provincial Councils on the same day was gazetted earlier this month.
It states that the “date on which all elections would be held should not be “later than the expiration of the term of the last constitute Provincial Council”.
The terms of the Eastern, North Central and Sabaragamuwa Provincial Councils are set to expire between September 6 and October 1, 2017.
The terms of the Central, Northern and North Western Provincial Councils are set to expire in September of 2018, the Western and Southern in March of 2019 and the Uva Provincial Council will expire in September 2019.