Court cases filed against 32 shops in Vavuniya
April 30, 2018 11:32 am
Public health officials who inspected all shops in the Vavuniya town have filed court cases against 32 shops.
Vavuniya district Medical Officer of Health, Dr. A. S. Lawan stated that the 32 shops consisted of 19 restaurants, 6 retail stores, 4 pharmacies and 3 supermarkets.
These 32 shops were filed court cases under the charges of preparation of food hazardously to public health, sale of expired food and storage of food items with expired food items.
One shop among the 32 was sealed off under the instructions of higher officials as further inspection was needed and many complaints were received regarding the shop.
The 5-day inspection concluded with 103 shop owners being warned off for the unorganized storage of food items, Storage of food items in open spaces. They were advised that they will be filed court cases in case the offenses were repeated.
A team of 5 officials conducted this raid conducted at the Vavuniya town.