SIU probes police errors over bail granted to Wellampitiya copper factory workers

SIU probes police errors over bail granted to Wellampitiya copper factory workers

May 8, 2019   03:09 pm

The Police Special Investigation Unit (SIU) has commenced an investigation to determine as to whether any errors had been committed by the police in granting bail to 9 suspects arrested at the Wellampitiya copper factory, which is believed to be linked to the Easter Sunday terror attacks.

Mohamed Ibrahim Insaf Ahmed, the suicide bomber responsible for the blast at the Cinnamon Grand in Colombo on April 21, is the owner of the copper factory at Wellampitiya.

On April 22, nine employees of the factory were arrested by Wellampitiya Police and remanded until May 06 after being produced at the Colombo Magistrate’s Court.

When the case was taken up on May 06, the court released the nine suspects on bail while it had been widely reported that the suspects were granted bail due to an error or oversight on the part of the officers of the Wellampitiya Police Station.

Police Spokesman SP Ruwan Gunasekara said that the Police Headquarters’ SIU has launched an investigation into this.

Speaking at a press conference in Colombo today (8), he said that if it is confirmed through the investigation that an error or oversight by a Wellampitiya police officer had led to this, strict action will be taken against the said officer.

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