First election result expected at 4 pm on August 06
June 30, 2020 11:14 am
Counting ballot papers of General Election 2020 will commence at 8 am on August 06, stated the Election Commission.
The Chairman of the Commission Mahinda Deshapriya said that the first result of the election will be released at around 4 pm on the same day.
Meanwhile, submission of postal ballot papers to the Postal Department will commence today (30), stated the Election Commission. According to a spokesman of the Commission, the postal ballot papers will be issued and submitted to the post department on July 01 and 02.
Reportedly, 753,037 public servants had applied for postal voting for this year’s general election. However, 47,952 of the applications have been rejected due to not being filled out properly.
Postal voting of the 2020 general election is scheduled to be held on July 14, 15, 16, and 17 while those who were not able to cast their vote on the aforementioned dates, will be permitted to cast their vote on July 20 and 21.
Meanwhile, the Election Commission is set to meet today on the upcoming activities for holding the General Election.
The meeting will focus on deciding whether or not to extend the duration of the voting period on Election Day.