110 more infected with Covid-19 make complete recoveries
October 27, 2020 02:12 pm
The Ministry of Health says 110 individuals who previously tested positive for Covid-19, have been discharged from medical care after making complete recoveries.
According to the situation report, 13 patients at National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID), 10 at Iranawila Hospital, 05 at Minuwangoda Base Hospital, 39 at Rambukkana District Hospital, 14 at Kamburugamuwa Hospital, 24 at Theldeniya Base Hospital and another 05 at Laggala Pallegaa Hospital have returned to health.
The latest update brings the total number of novel coronavirus recoveries reported in the country to 4,043.
Sri Lanka’s confirmed cases court meanwhile stands at 8,413. However, 4,354 of them are currently under medical care.
Sri Lanka has witnessed 17 deaths from the virus so far.