Mahinda leaves Temple Trees

Mahinda leaves Temple Trees

May 10, 2022   08:14 am

Former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa has left the Temple Trees early this morning (April 10), Ada Derana learns.

He had tendered his letter of resignation from the prime minister portfolio, to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa yesterday.

The resignation of Rajapaksa came after tensions erupted across the island yesterday (May 09) after a brutal attack was unleased on peaceful protesters camped outside the Temple Trees and the GotaGoGama protest site at Galle Face Green by a mob of pro-government supporters.

The resignation of Mahinda Rajapaksa was notified in a Gazette Extraordinary published last night, under the directives of the President.

Following the brazen attack by the mobs, the anti-government protesters camped outside the Temple Trees again last night.

The police had fired several rounds of tear gas to disperse the crowd attempting to enter the Temple Trees through the heavily guarded entrance.

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