Public gallery of Parliament to be opened from tomorrow
September 19, 2022 10:24 am
The restrictions imposed on the public in visiting the Parliament are expected to be relaxed from tomorrow (Sep 20).
Accordingly, the Serjeant-at-Arms Narendra Fernando mentioned that the public gallery of the Parliament will be opened from tomorrow.
The Committee on Parliamentary Business recently decided to approve the proposal made by the Serjeant-at-Arms to relax the restrictions currently enforced in connection with the entry to the Parliamentary Complex and to the Galleries.
The restrictions had been imposed due to the Covid-19 situation and security reasons.
Thus, as a preliminary step, it was agreed to allow parties who request to visit the Parliament, including school children, on days when there are no parliamentary sittings.
Accordingly, with effect from tomorrow (September 20) school children will be allowed to visit the Parliamentary Complex on Non-Sitting days from 9.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. (except holidays)
School Authorities are able to submit their applications to the Serjeant-at-Arms by sending a letter, a Fax (0112777473/ 0112777335) or by applying online through
Student groups of universities, higher education institutes registered under the government and foreign tourists could also avail this facility, the Serjeant-at-Arms states.