Electricity Tariff revision cannot be implemented retrospectively – PUCSL

Electricity Tariff revision cannot be implemented retrospectively – PUCSL

January 10, 2023   04:55 pm

Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) has raised concerns that the Electricity Tariff revision which was approved by the Cabinet cannot be implemented retrospectively.

Speaking on the cost-reflective electricity tariff revision scheme that was approved by the Cabinet yesterday (09 Jan), effective from 01 January 2023, Ratnayake noted that the tariff cannot be implemented with retrospective effect, as per the relevant Act.

He further noted that although the PUCSL has no issue with having been given till 15 February to review the said tariff revision, it was submitted to them only yesterday, explaining that it takes roughly 45 - 50 days for the usual procedures in this regard to take its course.

Ratnayake assured, however, that they have already begun working on the required measures with regards to the tariff revision and recovering the costs of the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) in a fair method, in accordance with the relevant Act.

Furthermore, the PUCSL Chairman also added that the supply of uninterrupted electricity is currently being discussed.

Earlier this morning, Minister Bandula Gunawardena announced that the Cabinet of Ministers has approved the implementation of the Electricity Tariff revision, while also granting approval to implement a cost-reflective tariff formula, based on which electricity tariffs are expected to increase.

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