Litro gas prices likely to increase?
September 3, 2023 01:43 pm
The Litro Gas Company announces that the prices of domestic gas cylinders are likely to be increased during the next price revision which is slated to be announced on Monday (Sep 04) based on the pricing formula.
Chairman of the Litro Gas Company Muditha Peiris mentioned that the price revision is scheduled to be done with effect from midnight tomorrow (04).
Further, he emphasized that there will be a significant increase in gas prices this time, considering the hike in gas prices in the world market.
While a price revision was expected to take place last month, reflecting the price hike of fuel in the global market, the prices of LP gas cylinders remained unchanged.
Litro Gas announced four consecutive price reductions thus far this year, and following last month’s price revision, the price of a 12.5kg cylinder was brought down to Rs. 2,892 and a 5kg cylinder to Rs. 1,198.