Traffic cop critical after being run over by SUV in Colombo

Traffic cop critical after being run over by SUV in Colombo

October 5, 2023   07:12 pm

A traffic Police Constable attached to the Cinnamon Gardens Police Station was left severely injured after an errant driver ran him over near the Independence Square Roundabout in Colombo on Thursday (05).

The injured constable, identified as A. Priyankara, a resident of the Walasmulla area, was rushed to the Colombo National Hospital in critical condition, while the driver of the SUV has been arrested.

The arrestee had run over the police officer and the vehicle had subsequently come to a stop after crashing into the fountain located at the centre of the Independence Square Roundabout.

A special team from the Narahenpita Police has been tasked with investigating the accident, under the directives of the OIC of the Cinnamon Gardens Police.

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