COPF recommends increasing salary of Bribery Commission chairman

COPF recommends increasing salary of Bribery Commission chairman

November 18, 2023   02:00 pm

The Committee on Public Finance (COPF) has recommended that the salary scale of the chairman of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC), established under the Anti-Corruption Act passed in parliament, be increased.

At its meeting on Thursday (Nov.16), the COPF also noted that the proposed salary scale of the Bribery Commission’s chairman should be reviewed and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

This was discussed when the proposal related to the salary and allowances of the Director-General and other members of the Bribery Commission, was referred to the COPF chaired by Dr. Harsha de Silva, for its approval.

The COPF chairman emphasized that the position of the head of the main independent institution appointed to stop corruption in Sri Lanka is a special position and the relevant salary scale should be stronger to match its dignity and value.

Officials of the Management Services Department stated that considering the existing salary scales in the judicial service, these salaries were proposed to be similar to the salary scales of the High Court Judges. Moreover, the COPF chairman pointed out that the parliament has the power to decide this salary scale.

It was disclosed that although the chairpersons of other commissions have the ability to connect with additional sources of income, the chairperson of the Bribery Commission does not have such permission.

State Ministers Shehan Semasinghe, Dr. Seetha Arambepola, MPs Chandima Weerakkody, Dr. Nalaka Godahewa, M.A. Sumanthiran, Wajira Abeywardana, Nimal Lanza, Dr. Kavinda Jayawardhana, Mayantha Dissanayake, Harshana Rajakaruna, Dr. Major Pradeep Undugoda, Sahan Pradeep Withana, Madhura Withanage were present at this Committee meeting held.

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