Two police officers involved in Narammala ‘accidental’ shooting interdicted
January 20, 2024 01:43 pm
The Police Sub-Inspector (SI) and a Constable involved in the ‘accidental’ shooting of a lorry driver in Narammala have been interdicted.
According to Police Spokesman SSP Nihal Thalduwa, the duo were interdicted with effect from Friday (19 Jan.).
On Thursday (18 Jan.), a lorry driver aged 41 was killed after a police officer in civvies ‘accidentally’ discharged his firearm during a vehicle inspection. He was identified as a resident of Maharachchimulla area.
The police media division said the driver had failed to comply with the signal to stop at a checkpoint in Dampelessa, Narammala.
The concerned SI and Constable had then chased down the lorry and pulled it over for a spot inspection, during which the SI had allegedly ‘accidentally’ discharged his firearm, critically wounding the driver, who was rushed to the Narammala District Hospital, but succumbed to injuries shortly after.
The SI in question was subsequently arrested and remanded until January 23 on the orders of Narammala Magistrate’s Court.