Good Friday commemorated today; Sri Lanka implements special security plans
March 29, 2024 09:53 am
Good Friday is a significant Christian and Catholic religious observance that marks the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. This year, Good Friday is commemorated today (29).
According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ was crucified on a Friday. As such, Good Friday is observed on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday which marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day of his burial.
In the Christian Liturgical Calendar, Easter follows Lent, the 40-day period (excluding Sundays) before Easter which traditionally is observed by acts of penance and fasting.
Easter Sunday is immediately preceded by Holy Week (Passion Week) which begins with Palm Sunday, the day Jesus Christ entered the city of Jerusalem. The week continues with Holy Thursday and it marks the Last supper of Jesus Christ, during which he established the sacrament of Holy Communion prior to being arrest.
Good Friday is a solemn day of fasting and penance inviting devotees to reflect on the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ to save the humanity. On this day, many churches mediate on the events leading up to the death of Jesus Christ.
After Good Friday comes Holy Saturday, which marks the transition between crucifixion and resurrection. Easter Sunday – also known as Resurrection Day – celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter takes place three days after Jesus’s death on Good Friday. This holiday concludes the “Passion of Christ" series of holidays that began with Ash Wednesday.
As Sri Lanka is still reeling from the devastating suicide bombings that claimed the lives of more than 250 people and injured hundreds of others on 2019 Easter Sunday, the police have decided to implement a special security plan at all churches across the island.
Accordingly, the police, together with the priests and boards of trustees of churches have prepared security plans tailored to each church while the Holy Masses are in progress from 29 - 31 March.
As such, a total of 6,837 police personnel, 464 Special Task Force (STF) personnel and 2,882 Tri-Forces personnel have been dispatched to the churches island-wide to implement the security arrangements.
Under this security plan, the church premises are inspected before the commencement of the sermons and body searchers will be conducted, if deemed necessary.
Special attention is given to churches that attract crowds in large numbers.