Damitha Abeyratne files complaint with HRCSL alleging unlawful arrest

Damitha Abeyratne files complaint with HRCSL alleging unlawful arrest

May 3, 2024   10:54 am

Sri Lankan actress Damitha Abeyratne has filed a complaint with the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL), alleging that her human rights were violated during an unlawful arrest.

On April 04, Damitha Abeyratne and her husband were arrested by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), in relation to their involvement in an alleged financial scam. They were later granted bail on April 24, following an order issued by the Colombo Fort Magistrate’s Court.

The Computer Crimes Division of the CID initiated an investigation into the alleged defrauding of Rs. 3 million by the couple on the promise of employment in South Korea. Subsequently, the CID informed the court that Abeyratne and her husband would be named as suspects in the relevant case.

However, speaking to the media after lodging the complaint regarding her arrest, Abeyratne claimed that her involvement in politics with the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) led to such actions being taken against her.

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